
I challenge traditional perceptions, transforming familiar organic elements into otherworldly visions that transcend conventional forms.

Using a process of reflecting the image back into itself, I explore deeper themes of connection, community, and spirituality. This approach reveals the unseen interconnectivity within nature, with ourselves, and with others.

I invite viewers to pause for introspection and consider their own relationship with the natural and spiritual worlds, while discovering new perceptions of what can emerge from these hidden connections.

For the past 20 years, I’ve been a self-employed professional photographer based in Meeanjin (Brisbane), Australia.

Photography has been my tool for visually expressing themes of connection, community & spirituality. Through photography & nature, I have found my artistic voice, which took on new depth after a spiritual awakening in 2022.

I try to live life outside the box… though I do have a little vintage caravan (which is a box) that I love to escape in whenever I can!

On my travels, I’m always collecting bits of flora & fauna, I gather these serendipitous finds & photograph them together, generally in the studio.

Begin Your Journey